We haggled a price for the guitar. I stowed it carefully in the truck and said a cordial good-bye. I had just pulled out of the driveway. I didn't hit a bump. I didn't make a sudden steering move. The radio wasn't on. But, from behind the seat, chimed a single, slinky, skanky sounding G minor ... strummed just once. Then there was silence. It didn't do it again; not on the way home and not in my workshop later. It didn't even do it for the lead guitarist of a very famous band (that I'm not at liberty to name here) who bought it without even trying to beat me down on price. I wouldn't have come down on price anyway. It's crazy, but sometimes I still hear that chord in my head. Witch wood indeed.
Why do you suppose it was G Minor?
Why do you suppose it was G Minor?